Saturday, September 15, 2007

iPhone or iPod Touch? That is the question.

The iPod Touch has showed up a few weeks early at Apple stores around the country. And in recent Apple fashion there are some glitches. It seems something is up with the displays. Even though it is supposed to be exactly the same as the iPhone. Users are complaining that the iPod Touch is having trouble displaying blacks and even resembles a negative in some instances. Combine that with the fact that they have crippled or removed many of the applications that existed on the iPhone. Now let's also remember that it has no camera, no bluetooth and of course, no phone. It sounds like the iPhone is a better buy. Even if you don't plan to use it for a phone. The only issue is that it costs $100 more for an 8gb iPhone vs a 16gb iPod Touch. Also, people have already managed to copy iPhone apps over to the iPod Touch. There are however still some glitches to be worked out with that. All said and done it sounds like the iPhone is still a better buy. So what to do? I think I will wait it out a little longer in hopes that either a 16gb iPhone or a better iPod Touch is released. My guess is that I will have to wait until January for them to dump all these old versions by Christmas before releasing something new. Possibly even longer.

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